There are lots of places where you can scatter a loved one’s cremated remains following their cremation services in Coopersburg, PA. For example, you can scatter them out at sea. You can also scatter them in most national parks. And there are some instances in which you might be able to scatter them on your own property. But there are also lots of places where you can’t scatter a loved one’s remains. If you do, you could potentially get yourself into lots of trouble. Take a look at several places where you should avoid scattering cremated remains below.
On the beach
Since you are allowed to scatter a loved one’s remains out at sea in the aftermath of their Coopersburg, PA cremation, you might be under the impression that you can also scatter them on the beach. But this is not the case. If you were to scatter their remains on the beach, there is a pretty good chance that they would come into contact with humans, animals, fish, birds, etc. So families aren’t allowed to scatter cremated remains on the beach, and they could potentially face fines and other penalties if they try to do it.
In small lakes, ponds, rivers, etc.
If you know that you’re not going to be able to scatter a loved one’s remains out at sea, you might think about scattering them in a smaller body of water instead. But this is also not usually allowed unless you get permission from whoever owns the land surrounding the body of water. And even then, you might technically be breaking the law if you try scattering someone’s remains in this body of water. Generally speaking, you should only scatter a loved one’s remains in the water if you’re able to take them several miles off the coast of the country.
At sports stadiums
If your loved one was the loyal fan of a professional or college sports team right up until the very end, you might want to honor them by spreading their cremated remains in or near their favorite team’s stadium. But this is, unfortunately, not going to be permitted. There are some sports teams that will occasionally invite fans to scatter their loved one’s remains on their fields or courts. But unless you’re taking part in this kind of event, it’s not a good idea to try to scatter a loved one’s remains in this way.
On almost any private property
Before you consider scattering your loved one’s remains almost anywhere, you should give some thought to whether or not you’re going to be scattering them on what is private property. If you even suspect that you might be getting ready to scatter their remains on private property, you should hold off on doing it. You will have to get permission from whoever owns that property. Otherwise, you’re going to be trespassing on their property if you try to scatter your loved one’s remains on it.
Before families can scatter their loved one’s remains, they’ll need to go through the process of planning out their Coopersburg, PA cremation services. Naugle Funeral & Cremation Service, Ltd. is here to help those families who need to put cremation plans into place. Give us a call for all your family’s cremation needs.